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Panther Pride Requirements

Students at Twin Peaks Elementary have the opportunity to earn the Panther Pride Award each year. In order to earn the award, first graders have to meet all of the following requirements by the beginning of May:


Even if your child doesn't meet the general requirements, the academic requirements are still important goals for them to try and reach by the end of the school year. Since your child is currently spending a lot more time at home, these are skills that you could have them work on in addition to the daily class assignments.


One place that can help you do this is You can create a free account, then use the filters on the left to choose what subject and skills your child practices.


Apart from online games, there are many simple and active ways to have your child practice these skills throughout the day. Here are just a few ideas:


Math Requirements

  • Count out loud as you kick a ball back and forth with a friend. Whoever messes up the number has to do five jumping jacks, then the counting continues. See if you can make it all the way to 120!

  • Have your child cook with you and do simple math facts along the way. (i.e. If we make 12 enchiladas and our family eats 7 of them, how many will we have left? We have 1 cup of flour but the recipe calls for 4 cups of flour. Can you tell me how many more cups of flour we need?)


Literacy Requirements

  • Do an Easter egg hunt around the house where the eggs have sight words or sight word phrases in them. Your child gets to keep every egg they can read. You keep re-hiding and practicing the ones they don't know.

  • Choose a few sight words your child is working on. Have them practice spelling and writing the words in flour, shaving cream, Play-Doh, etc. Have a contest with your child to see who can use or find the words the most throughout the day. 


Writing Requirements

  • Practice writing your full name in fun ways like the sight words above. 

  • Do a fun art project where you write your full name and turn each letter into a part of the picture.

  • Writing opinion and informational pieces will be assigned as part of their daily assignments. They can use our class outlines to help them with these. (Click on the picture to make it larger.)










Any extra practice your child gets with writing in general will help them with this skill! Have them write a few sentences in a journal each day about what they're doing at home since school is out. Or pick random, goofy topics for them to write a few sentences about then have them act out what they wrote.

Opinion Writing
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